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 Keynote Speaker

M Dee Dubroff

Doylestown, PA
Member Since
Nov 2008
M Dee Dubroff is the pename of this freelance writer and former teacher originally from Brooklyn, New York. A writer of ghostly and horror fiction, she has branched out into the world of humorous non-fiction writing and maintains eight web sites covering a wide variety of topics. She also writes feature articles for several local newspapers. Her book entitled: A Taste of Funny,and her website, Eat, Drink And Really Be Merry ( feature many well researched and humorous articles on the subject of food and drink.
False Legs for Frogs
False Legs for Frogs
Brullie the Bullfrog Gets a New Lease on Life
The first frog in the world to ever be fitted with a false leg is named Brullie, and if he weren’t recovering in a hospital in South Africa, he would surely get up and take a bow! Read on and be amazed… MORE
Hiring Wedding Guests
Hiring Wedding Guests
Bride Advertises For Pretty People to Attend Her Ceremony
What happens to a bride-to-be who has no family members that can attend her nuptials? What’s a poor bride to do about filling her side of the church or synagogue or mosque? Why not buy attendees? According… MORE
Naked Yoga
Naked Yoga
The Bare Facts of Stretching in the Buff
Is naked yoga sort of sweeping the country? How different is it (if at all) from regular yoga? Read on for some bare truths. No one can say for sure when naked yoga was first practiced. It is certainly… MORE
Asanas for Animals
Asanas for Animals
Crunch Gyms Offer 'Ruff Yoga' Classes
The ancient practice of yoga has always led to peace and enlightenment, but not even the masters could have expected that its modernization would apply as much to creatures with four legs as those of us… MORE
Eco-Educational Treats
Eco-Educational Treats
The Climate Change Chocolate Bar
Everyone knows that chocolate is delectable, but what about a chocolate bar that is designed to educate as well as taste good? Read on to learn more. The Climate Change Chocolate Bar is designed to bring… MORE
Credit Crunch Supercars
Credit Crunch Supercars
Man Builds Lamborghini in Cellar
Hardly off the Detroit assembly line or imported from the finest italian showroom, Ken Imhoff cut costs by building his own luxury sports car. The only problem was that he forgot to plan ahead with the… MORE